Mondays at 7pm
How to Put Emotional Trauma Behind YouWe are a non-profit organization, dedicated to helping our community better themselves and those around them.
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: 408-249-5398
Emotional trauma can continue to affect you, no matter how long ago the trauma occurred.
Many things can trigger past trauma, causing you to feel the same emotional distress as you did back then. In this workshop, you’ll learn why traumatic events continue to influence you and how you can make them powerless to affect you anymore.
Often, the more sudden the traumatic incident, such as a death, accident, illness, bad news or sudden breakup, the more severe and lasting the effects of the emotional trauma.
We have many years of experience helping people fully recover from traumatic events, and have helped hundreds of people do so. While it might seem “normal” for emotional trauma to persist, it doesn’t have to be that way, and can, in fact, be put firmly behind you relatively quickly using simple scientific, drug-free methods.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to transform your life and discover an entirely new stress-free way to live it. Spaces are limited, so register now and take the first step towards putting your trauma behind you.
Date and Time: Every other Saturday at 1:00 pm . Registration begins at 1:00pm, and the workshop kicks off promptly at 1:10pm. We recommend arriving a bit early to settle in comfortably.
Location: Dianetics & Scientology Life Improvement Center – 1083 South Winchester Blvd, San Jose, CA 95128
How to Register: Simply fill in your details. We’ll send you an email to confirm your seat reservation and provide you with any additional information you may need.
Mondays at 7pm
How to Let Go of Past TraumaWe are a non-profit organization, dedicated to helping our community better themselves and those around them.
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: 408-249-5398