What is Dianetics?

The best way to learn about Dianetics is by reading the book. You can purchase the book: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, which you can buy HERE


Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health Indisputably the most widely read and influential book ever written about the human mind, Dianetics fully describes the Reactive Mind—the previously unknown source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurities—and how to get rid of it. You can achieve something Man has only dreamed of: The State of Clear.

• Unlock your true potential and achieve it

• Eradicate harmful experiences so they never affect you again

• Reveal the person you’ve always wanted to know—you

Get and read Dianetics now. For a special offer call (408) 249-5398

email: info@dianetics-seminar.org


Here are two articles with detailed information explaining exactly what Dianetics is:

What is Dianetics Part 1

What is Dianetics – Part 2

Do a Free Personality Test now. We will contact you to come in to our San Jose Office to get your results and find out how you can use Dianetics to help yourself.

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